Lists from last Year:
2011 wish list - part 1
2011 wish list - part 2
2011 wish list - part 3
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I enjoyed a full day with my family but I think my favorite part of the day was the start, a family race. My brother and dad raced the 5k together
While Mom, Cory and I ran the 10k
Cory and I have done this race the last tree years and mom joined us last year. This year the temperature was perfect for running in the upper 50s. Mom and I both decided to wear last years' race shirt so we ended up as twins.
While the temps were great there was a wicked headwind on the second half of the race which was also the uphill section. This made it practically impossible to negative split. Mom said that's not her style anyway.This year was a new course which we didn't like as well but the first part through the park was nice. Cory, mom and I all ran together. My mom is coming back from a few injuries and is doing awesome. Her big goal is a half marathon in June and she is going to KILL IT! Even with the difficult conditions she as able to get a PR of 1:00:28 to win her age group. Cory and I had a great time running with mom and were happy to see her do sowell. We hung around to watch Dad and Erik (big brother) finish up the 5k
The race wasn't doing awards that day so we grabbed some water and our race t's before heading out
Normally I really like readline runnings shirts but there was a mix up with the shirts and there is no graphic on the t-shirts. Also our arm-warmers did not come in. I feel a bit bad for the race director as it seems a lot of things went wrong but I wasn't stoked about all the changes from last year. Next we we all decided we want to race the family 5k together.
Happy Thanksgiving Eve! If you are one of the millions who are traveling today I wish you safe and easy travels. I am not traveling today since my parents conveniently moved to Colorado last year.
Even though I am not traveling I am still busy and trying to fit a bunch in today so I can relax and enjoy tomorrow. I got up early this morning to fit in a 90 minute easy spin, this helped to flush out my legs after yesterdays long run. I am hoping to get some yoga in tonight when Cory gets home. This afternoon I am trying to get some school work in before starting to cook tonight. This year we are in charge of Thanksgiving desert and post race treats. Cory decided to make homemade cinnamon rolls (I am SO looking forward to that) and I am in charge of pies!
I am going to make classic pumpkin
and dutch apple all from scratch
I love baking but I don't do it very often due to dietary and time limitations. Cory is a great helper and by cooking the pumpkin and peeling apples for me!
Are you cooking the full meal for Thanksgiving, just a part or just showing up?
So many fun Challenges to participate in this time of year, I thought I would pass along another one incase you love this kind of fun like I do!
Elle for Nutritionella has come up with Elf for Health challenge
Copied from her site:
Introducing the Elf for Health Holiday Challenge! This is a six week challenge that will run from the Monday after Thanksgiving thru the first week in January. There will be daily tasks, daily winners, prizes, weekly newsletters, and a Facebook group for support.
And are you ready for the best part? You’ll have an elf to support and encourage you! When you sign up, you will also be committing to be an elf for someone in return. Over the course of the challenge, you will have three different elves.
Sounds like a great way to stay motivated and meet new people over the holidays doesn’t it?! Since this challenge is internet based, anyone can participate… no matter where you’re located! All you need is access to the internet and an email address.
So what does an Elf do?
As an Elf, you are expected to support your assigned buddy with their holiday health goals and the daily challenges. Elves & buddies will be reassigned every 2 weeks. You are only asked to email your buddy 2 times per week:
Anything more than those 2 emails is up to you but feel free to go above and beyond this to show your support! Just a few ideas: send your buddy Tweets, shout outs on our Facebook Page, email a fun workout you liked or send a hand written recipe or note.
Sounds like fun! SHe even provides a nice calendar that you can use as a google cal, so helpful! Will you join?
Good morning friends! I can't believe that Thanksgiving is THIS WEEK! Time is flying and November is already over half over. Seems like a great time to check in on my November goals.
1. I have lost 6 pounds so far so I feel good about accomplishing this goal.
2. I think I have missed only one day so far so not bad.
3. Photo a day has suffered, I went through I VERY busy time at work the last two weeks, but I am having more fun on instagram so I still consider it a win.
4. Assignments are on track and I am hoping to get a little ahead this week
5. I have been following the guidelines outlined by the sports nutritionist and it has been easier than I thought it would be
Now it's time to go work on #4 while cuddling with this guy:
Happy Monday everyone!
Here is the plan so far for this week, things may change as we go but since I am off work this week I will be focusing on school work and getting in my workouts. Tomorrow kicks off the Holiday Booty Buster Challenge
Are you in?
Monday: 6 mile run with interval work pm- Pilates
Tuesday: 18 mile run pm- easy yoga
Wednesday: am- 90 min spin pm- strength work
Thursday: Family 10k race with a couple extra miles thrown in
Friday: am- 3200 m swim
pm- weights, hip and core work
Saturday: 20 mile run and easy yoga
Sunday: 3 hour bike ride on rolling hills (no big climbs)
Just a little over two weeks ago I had an appointment with a sports nutritionist . In that appointment Dina encouraged me to give up processed cabs and starchy vegetables. I think I am most bummed about not having spaghetti squash and butternut squash soup. Overall it hasn't been as hard as I thought it might be but a few things have helped make it easier
I will admit I haven't been perfect, I have had some wine with dinner, there was a chinese take-out extravaganza on election night, and a couple catered meals at work that I just couldn't modify. I also don't plan on trying to be perfect all the time. On thanksgiving there will be no "rules" and it may get more difficult going into the holiday season but if I stick to the plan more than I don't than it will start me off in a better place January 1st.
Anyone else trying to drop a few pounds during the "soft season"?
I think this will be a recurring post until after the new year when it will change to "Ironman Lake Tahoe -Training week X". Until then I will enjoy my "off season prep time while it's here.
Monday: Easy spin, yoga and Hip and core work (must not get injured)
Tuesday: am- Run speed work ~7 miles plus plyo work pm
Wednesday: am- 90 min spin
pm- strength work
Thursday: am- hip and core work
pm- masters swim
Friday: am- 60 minute tempo run
pm- hip and core work
Saturday: Swim/Bike brick 2800 swim short transition to 2 hr ride (not sure how this will work since I am working on saturday, this may have to change from a transition workout to an am/pm workout)
Sunday: 18 mile run and strength work
I am bummed that my bike work as moved completely inside, I don't mind running in the cold but I HATE riding in the cold. It would be nice to get in a long-ish bike ride in (4 hours +) but it stinks to do that indoors.
THe photo prompt for today was drink:
Nuun is one of my favorite drinks after coffee, beer, wine, margaritas......They really should come out with a margarita flavor. I really do drink a lot of nuun and have started buying it in bulk. What is your favorite drink?
I posted something about this last year at this time but wanted to hear what you guys might have to add. I think one of the hardest things for me is recovering in between workouts (oh and maybe getting enough sleep and school work done). Below is what I do to help my poor muscles recover:
I use a trigger point roller with a PVC core, we originally had a foam roller but it broke down quickly and it seemed so wasteful. The trigger points are more expensive but it has held up for a long time so I think it's worth it. No Meat Athlete has a great post about how to roll if you aren't sure what to do. I think rolling is one of the most important tools to recovery.
I also use "The Stick" this is great for traveling and for getting smaller muscles that are hard to pinpoint with the roller.
Ice Baths:
These f-ers HURT but are well worth it. I find them much easier in the summer when I am hot and cooling off sounds good. In the winter when I am already cold this is an struggle to make myself do.
Some tips to make it more bearable is to fill the tub with cool water and acclimate to that before putting the ice in. I wear two sweatshirts and booty shorts to keep my parts warm. Lastly I drink tea (see next point) or hot chocolate to help keep more core warm. All of this helps but honestly this still sucks. If possible you can use a stream to cool off your legs after a trail run.
This is much preferred even if there is toxic sludge in the creek.
This can help free your muscles of free radicals and speed the healing process.
I prefer to get mine from emergen-c and tea (I actually prefer green tea). Another supplement that I think helps is Fish Oil for its omega-3
My last method is to wear compression garments. I own two pairs of compression socks and capris made for running. I would love to own a set of tights dedicated for recovery as well.
What are you favorite ways to recover? Do you have any suggestions of things I should add?
Kara (who blogs over at Kara Runs and lives in New Jersey) and I want to help people in need in someway. Since we are somewhat useless right now with lack of public transit, we decided to follow our passion – running – to create a fun way for people to help.
And that’s how we came up with the Virtual Race for Hurricane Sandy Recovery, with proceeds benefiting the Red Cross to help disaster recovery efforts on the East Coast.I plan to run my Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving as my virtual race. I am grateful these awesome bloggers organized this!
How to participate:
Run a race of any distance the month of November. There are TONS of fun holiday races this time of year so grab a friend (or two!) and sign up.
Register for the Virtual Race for Hurricane Sandy here.
Pledge your donation (a minimum donation of $10 requested) here. ALL PROCEEDS will be donated to the Red Cross.
Tell all of your friends that you are participating and invite them to join us, too.
Run your race and tell us how you did! Make sure to send us pictures.
Why you should participate
Help those in need by doing something that you love.
We will have AWESOME prizes from some of your favorite companies… just by participating, you will have the chance to win some of these. You don’t want to miss out. Including: Click and Road ID
Did we mention that you’ll be helping those in need?
Extra motivation to train hard this holiday season (that way, you won’t feel too bad when you sign up for one… or three… cookie exchanges).
You’ll also help those in need.
There will be some awesome virtual swag… like a badge for you if you blog and a bib that you can wear during your race to show your support.
Important Information
Register for the Virtual Race for Hurricane Sandy Recovery HERE.
You can join anytime until November 30. You must run your race by November 30 to be eligible for prizes and virtual swag bag goodies.
Minimum donation is $10, you can donate more if you would like!
ALL PROCEEDS will be donated to the Red Cross. Let’s see how far we can run and how much we can raise!
I LOVE this time of year. I like the cooler weather and the holidays that seem to come one on top of the other. The colors are beautiful and it's fun to run through the leaves
I also love that this time of year comes with fun blogger "challenges" two that I am participating in start this month. First Pile on the Miles put on by Monica at Run Eat Repeat
I joined this challenge but it's definitely not my shining moment, it really shines a light on how little I run compared to real runners. A challenge that I am more suited to and excited about is Holiday Booty Buster Challenge
This challenge includes all types of workouts and healthy eating, you also choose a category and compete against people with the same goals as you. Copy and Pasted from the sight:
This year you will pick the segment that best describes your current/planned activity level for the next few months and that will help make the points within a group more competitive. Continuing with putting our best foot forward you will be grouped by the shoe that fits:
You should expect to continue earning points for activity in any area,cross training, but by selecting your primary activity throughout the challenge you can be more competitive for the top points prizes.
- Low Profile: 5K, 10K, cardio class master (includes CrossFit)
- Cushioned: Half marathon/marathon/distance biking
- Stability: Half Ironman or more
- Minimalist: Yoga/Weight lifting
I signed up for Stability, I am questioning that choice a little bit as I am not technically training for half ironman, ironman or anything else that long at the moment. In truth I wont race anything longer than a half marathon until May. So maybe I should drop to cushioned. Also there are only two of us signed up in that category right now, I guess I will think about that more.
How do you feel about challenges? Are you participating in any? Any others I should know about?