I am so excited for and proud of my mom for completing her first triathlon. After years of long distance running mom decided to take on triathlon.

I would love to think that watching Cory and I have so much fun with triathlon the last couple of years has something to do with it.

Yesterday my mom attended the newbie tri at Cherry Creek Reservoir.

It's a really neat event set up for people who are new to triathlon.

The morning was full of clinics where athletes learned how to set up transition, open water swim, running off the bike and a few other things I am forgetting.

After the clinics there is a mini triathlon with a 400 yd swim, 7 mile bike and 2 mile run. This was a serious triathlon with a great lay out, chip timing and great swag.

Mom did really well and feels ready for her first sprint triathlon in July. It was so much fun to go and cheer her on. Hopefully she wasn't too embarrassed by all the screaming.

Dad giving her 5 on the run course. It really is fun to share the sport I love so much with more of my family.

And while dad isn't into the swimming portion he is in the market for a duathlon. So Much Fun! And it was extra fun to ride 50 miles to the race so we were ready to chase mom around.