Happy New Years Eve everyone, I hope you all have happy and safe celebrations tonight!
I have a tendency to set very ambitious goals and then be upset with myself when I don't meet all of them. This is true for 2011 as well. But I met my big overall goals of running my first marathon and half ironman and I am very happy with that.
2011 resolutions:
1. Prepare more healthy meals (Cory is our main cook, I would like to start cooking about twice a week) Success, I have tried many new recipes and am much more comfortable in the kitchen. I hope to continue this in 2012.
2. Work on my core, I know my core is weaker than it should be so I plan on doing plank every night in January and will move on from there. Hmmm, half fail. I did pick this up in November/December but when I got busy with marathon and half ironman training I let it slip.
3. I would like to PR in a 5k, 5M, 10k, half marathon and marathon. This should be easy given that last year was my first year racing and I only ran one (maybe 2) of each race and I have never ran a marathon, guaranteed PR =) I am happy enough with this one, I PR'd in 10k, half marathon and marathon but I didn't take speed work very seriously so that is something to work on.
4. Work on sticking to my training plan. I know there are times I won’t be able to stick to it because of outside influences, but when I just don’t feel like it, suck it up! Giant Fail, I am working on it
5. Take off a few pounds (10-15) I am not technically “over weight” but I know that being lighter will be easier on my joints. Well I took off 5 and I am happy with that.
6. Be better about blogging (i.e. more consistent, better pictures, etc.) Overall Yes I posted a total of 31 times and 155 times in 2011
7. Run 1,000+ miles Nope, but I got very close around 950 miles, I just couldn't get there with my knee injury.
Overall I didn't make all my goals but that's ok it just means I can learn from my mistakes and try again 2012. So I am going to continue to shoot for the stars in 2012!
Goals for 2012:
1. Follow my training plan as best I can. I am TERRIBLE at this, I know you can't control everything so following 100% of the time is not reasonable but I need to be better. What is the point of hiring a coach if I just do whatever I want anyway?
2. PR in half and full marathons
3. Complete the ironman (most important goal)
5. Get to my training weight by April (10-12 lbs lighter than I am now) and racing weight by June.
6. Be better about blogging (i.e. more consistent, better pictures, etc.) This is a repeat from last year but I want to continue to improve.
7. Run 1,000+ miles and ride 3,000+ miles
8. Focus on strength all year
9. Stay injury free, this will be most important in helping me reach all other goals
It's a long list and it will take a lot of work and discipline to make it all happen, but I am ready and excited about getting to work. I plan to set monthly and weekly goals to keep me focused and on track
I have a weird feeling that 2012 is going to be a wonderful year for me and I can't wait to welcome her with open hopeful arms tonight!