Tuesday, February 25, 2014


“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” 
― Laozi

I feel that my life really is full of spontaneous changes at the moment. After a long job search my husband finally found a job he was really excited about just to have the company fold two months later. We also have been on a roller coaster trying to sell our house and are left in a bit of limbo. All of these changes and uncertainties come with life and training falls on the list of priorities. 
For a couple weeks I resisted my reality, tried to muster through peak training for Cabo while trying to pretend I wasn't miserable. But I finally decided that I needed to re-prioritize  and accept the training for an ironman next month is not my reality right now. 

I am very sad about this decision as I have been looking forward to this race for a long time and have put in weeks of work already. But as soon as I made the description I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. So I know it's the right choice. I am also excited to train again with a renewed focus on Ironman Canada. 

On the up side the trip to Mexico will still happen since it has already been paid for and I will have a blast cheering on my friends that are racing. 

So here's to accepting where I am and moving forward with a smile. 


  1. I have 100% been there with Tahoe last year. When my boss called me and asked me to meet him at the office at 9 pm when he got off a flight on the night that I was supposed to do a 20 mile run I knew that as much as I wanted to say screw the job and train for IM, IM was not going to be my reality...even though I only had like 5 more weeks to get through!

    We have to remember that so many of us are juggling a lot in life in addition to doing IM. I had the same feeling of relief in just making the decision to let IM go. You've done it, you're an Ironman already, no one can take that away from you. Which also means you're smart enough to know that you can't fake IM and the training has to happen. At the same time it will always be there and you will be back.

    Enjoy Mexico and supporting your friends.

  2. I heard you, some times life throws us curve balls, and all you can do is roll with it. I just recently had to withdraw from my Ironman race because of an injury in October , so the trip has turned into a sister trip with cheering my husband on on the side.. Enjoy your extra free time!

  3. That is really tough, but recognizing what is "right" is certainly important and it demonstrates that you know what is important to you at the moment. Take care of yourself!

  4. Ah, dang! Life happens, and good for you for letting IM go and focusing on other priorities (also, sorry to hear about your hub's job). Cabo will always be there! Have a wonderful warm vacation – and, you will rock IM Canada!
